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St. Mary of the Assumption
St. Mary of the Assumption Statement of  Mission

Mission Statement


We, of St. Mary of the Assumption, the second oldest parish in the diocese, as a rural and farming parish community, are ever mindful of God’s hand in all of nature.

Responding to God’s goodness, we believe in Jesus Christ and spread his good news by nurturing the faith and passing it on.

As believers, we are called to build Christian Community.  By worshiping together as a Parish Family we offer praise and thanks to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and receive guidance and understanding through Scripture and homilies.  We provide a broader knowledge of our faith by means of on-going religious education programs for persons of all ages.  By our love and example we will promote better relations with all our neighbors here and abroad.  By sharing our giftedness and faith, we instill confidence and interest in each other, particularly in our younger parishioners.

St. Mary of the Assumption
St. Mary of the Assumption
St. Mary of the Assumption
St. Mary of the Assumption
St. Mary of the Assumption
St. Mary of the Assumption
St. Mary of the Assumption

2025 St. Mary of the Assumption Parish - 112 W. Embarras Street P.O. Box 68 Ste. Marie, Illinois  62459 - Phone 618-455-3155 - Contact Us

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